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What is the Zika Virus?

The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus, while most people who are infected do not develop symptoms, those who do show symptoms may develop rashes, fevers, muscle and joint pain, malaise, headaches, and conjunctivitis. The virus has an incubation period of 3-14 days.

Are you worried about the Zika virus in Thailand? In this guide, we will talk about what the Zika virus is, how it affects Thailand, and how you can protect yourself against the virus as an expat or traveler visiting Thailand with vaccinations and health insurance plans.

What is the Zika Virus?

The Zika virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes. Other means of transmission comprise sexual contact, the transfusion of blood and blood products, and transmission from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

The latter is the most dangerous, as it places the infant at risk of severe birth complications.

Symptoms and Complications of the Zika Virus

Most instances of symptoms of the Zika virus in humans are generally mild and last up to 7 days. Given the low level of severity, it is uncommon for those infected to seek hospital treatment. Common symptoms include rashes, fevers,muscle and joint pain, malaise, headaches and conjunctivitis.

Having said this, complications may occur if a woman is infected during pregnancy, which may cause microcephaly and congenital malformations in infants, resulting in:

  • Hearing loss
  • Eye abnormalities
  • High muscle tone
  • Limb contractures

More severe cases include stillbirth, fetal loss, and preterm birth, with complications capable of showing up in cases of infection that show no outward signs of illness. This has prompted further research into the risks and effects of infection during pregnancy in order to identify additional effects and strategies for prevention.

Although Zika symptoms are typically mild, pregnant women infected with Zika are at risk of transmitting the virus to their unborn infants.

Can the Zika Virus Cause Death?

In severe cases, the risk of death caused by the Zika virus is highest in live-born children with congenital Zika syndrome. Other severe conditions caused by the virus include Guillain-Barre syndrome, wherein nerve cells are attacked by the immune system, causing muscle weakness and paralysis.

Despite the rarity of severe conditions, they should be treated with caution. These include the swelling of the brain and spinal cord and a blood disorder that may result in bruising, bleeding, or blood clotting.


While most people infected by the Zika virus are asymptomatic, a diagnosis of the virus can be thoroughly checked and confirmed by laboratory blood or urine tests. Upon collection of these samples, they are then differentiated from other flaviviruses, such as the Dengue virus.

In addition, testing for the Zika virus is generally recommended for those who show clear symptoms, especially pregnant women. In this case, molecular testing should take place as soon as possible to identify the presence of the virus in the body.

Treatment Methods

As of today, there is no specific treatment method for the Zika virus. Those who are infected with the virus are encouraged to seek treatment based on the symptoms, such as getting adequate rest, staying hydrated, and taking over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce fever and pain.

Please note that while anti-inflammatory drugs may help in treating the symptoms, they should be avoided until Dengue virus infections are ruled out; this is to eliminate the risk of bleeding. In the case of severe symptoms, patients are encouraged to seek immediate medical care.

The Zika Virus in Thailand

The Zika virus is endemic in Thailand. As of 1 November 2024, Thailand has recorded a total of 347 Zika virus cases in 2024, with no deaths reported. While there are no indications of an increase in transmission, the public is still urged to take precautions.

Ways of Prevention

Methods of prevention against the Zika virus are multifaceted. As there is no vaccine for the virus, protection against mosquito bites and making use of the full range of contraceptive methods play vital roles.

To protect against mosquito bites, young children, especially pregnant women, are encouraged to apply mosquito repellent to their skin. Clothing containing icaridin, IR3535, or DEET repellent, as shown on product labels, can also help ward off mosquitoes, adding an additional layer of protection.

In regards to sexual transmission, prevention can be achieved through the use of contraceptives and engaging in safe sex practices. Couples are encouraged to read up on the various risk factors associated with pregnancy, taking into account the potential adverse fetal outcomes.

Getting treatment in Thailand can be expensive, but with the right insurance plan, you can rest assured knowing you’ll receive the best medical care possible.

Is the Zika Virus Covered by Health Insurance?

Due to the fact that there are no cure or vaccinations for the Zika virus, the main coverage that will help will be outpatient coverage. This will cover your doctor’s visits and typically cover the prescription drugs too to combat the symptoms.

For expat families looking to expand their family, the Zika virus is definitely not something you want to overlook. Securing comprehensive maternity coverage may not help you prevent the virus but it will help you identify complications before they become serious.

Best Health Insurance Providers for Expats in Thailand

The best international health insurance providers for expats in Thailand include AXA, Allianz, Cigna, LMG, and Pacific Cross. These providers offer expats customizable plans with excellent global coverage that keeps you insured wherever you go.

Picking the Right Insurance in Thailand

When picking an insurance plan in Thailand, there are several factors you need to consider, from your personal needs to the plan coverage and exclusions. It is important to start with considering your needs as it will help you determine what coverage and benefit limits you need in a plan.

Important factors to consider when picking health insurance in Mongolia include:

Premiums and Payment Options

Premiums are an important factor you need to consider when picking the right insurance plan in Thailand. Choosing a plan with flexible payment options such as deductibles and copayments will allow you to adjust your plan to have the most coverage whilst still staying within budget.

Plan Customizations

Customizability is another key factor to consider when picking insurance in Thailand. The ability to add or drop benefits from a plan will allow you to customize your benefits and create a plan that covers you the way you need it to.


The benefits and coverage of a plan is important, however, it is also equally important that you look at a plan’s exclusions when picking an insurance plan that’s right for you in Thailand. Those with chronic conditions and pre-existing conditions should pay particular attention to this factor.


The Zika virus is one among the top most common diseases and medical conditions in Thailand that expats should be aware of alongside Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A and B. It is important for expats and travelers visiting to take proper precautions.

The tropical climate of Thailand is the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitos making it critical to secure individual health insurance plans for yourself or your family. If you are planning to expand your family, a comprehensive maternity health insurance plan ensure the best start for your child.

If you’re in need of a robust and complete insurance plan, Pacific Prime Thailand can help. As one of Asia’s leading insurance brokers, we can help simplify your insurance experience and match your needs and budget with the right plan.

To get started, compare plans or contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Zika virus present in Thailand?

Most recent surveillance and phylogenetic studies have shown that the Zika virus has been present in every region of Thailand since 2002, when it was initially identified as a focal disease.

What are the symptoms of the Zika virus?

A Zika virus infection typically causes a high temperature, a rash, a headache, joint pain, red eyes, and muscle pain. Zika virus infection during pregnancy has been linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome and other congenital malformations.

Does the Zika virus cause any harm to humans?

The Zika infection during pregnancy may cause serious congenital malformations and, in the worst case, cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare sickness in which nerve cells are attacked by the immune system, causing weakness and paralysis.

Can the Zika virus go away on its own?

The Zika virus fever or infection is typically mild and will go away on its own.

Content Creator at Pacific Prime
Vista is a content creator at Pacific Prime. With over 8 years of writing experience for online platforms on various topics such as luxury lifestyle and digital entertainment. He enjoys diving into complex and otherwise confusing topics, and creating easy-to-understand content for the readers to help them navigate through the topic - something that’s perfectly aligned with Pacific Prime’s motto of ‘simplifying insurance’.

Born and raised in the cultural melting pot that is Hong Kong, and having studied at an international school, Vista has developed a multicultural perspective that he uses in his writing and strives to connect to people of different backgrounds.

In his free time, Vista enjoys immersing himself in different worlds, from video games to light novels and movies. His hobbies help him expand his writing style by putting himself in the point-of-view of different people and characters.
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