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Thailand Expands Maternity Leave to 98 Days: A Boost for Working Women

Thailand is set to enhance its maternity leave policy, extending the leave period from 90 days to 98 days. This move is part of a broader initiative by the Ministry of Labour to improve benefits for Social Security Fund members, aiming to better support working mothers and their families.

In this Pacific Prime Thailand article, we take a deep dive into this and other significant enhancements to employee benefits in Thailand to be implemented beginning in 2025.

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Maternity Leave to Be Expanded to 98 Days in Thailand

The extension of maternity leave is one of several reforms aimed at modernizing the Social Security Fund (SSF) managed by Thailand’s Social Security Office (SSO) and improving welfare benefits for employees. The government’s aim is to promote family-friendly workplace policies.

Key Features of the Maternity Leave Extension are as follows:

  1. Maternity Leave Duration: This will be increased to 98 days from the current 90 days.
  2. Allowance During Leave: This will remain at 50% of daily wage for the duration of the leave.
  3. Eligibility: SSF members will be eligible, exactly as under current regulations.

Benefits of the Extension

The benefits of an expanded maternity leave are significant:

  1. Enhanced Support for New Mothers: The increased duration allows mothers more time to recover from childbirth and bond with their newborns, which is crucial for both physical and emotional health.
  2. Improved Work-Life Balance: By providing additional leave, the policy promotes a better balance between work and family responsibilities, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and employee retention.
  3. Alignment with Global Standards: Many countries have adopted longer maternity leave policies, and Thailand’s adjustment will help align its standards with international practices, improving the country’s competitiveness for talent on the global stage.

Other Proposed Improvements to Employee Benefits in Thailand

The Ministry of Labour has outlined several additional key improvements to employee benefits, focusing on increasing financial support and extending coverage for various groups of workers. Similar to the maternity leave expansion, these changes are expected to take effect next year.

Enhanced Disability Support

The monthly financial support for subscribers with disabilities will see a substantial increase from 50% to 70% of their income loss. This change aims to provide greater financial stability for individuals unable to work due to health issues, ensuring they can maintain a basic standard of living.

Extended Contribution Period

Currently, SSF members contribute until the age of 60. The proposed change will extend this limit to 65 years, allowing workers to accumulate more benefits over a longer period. This adjustment is particularly beneficial for those who continue working past the traditional retirement age.

Improved Benefits for Freelancers

Freelancers, long overlooked in traditional social security systems, will receive enhanced benefits under the proposed changes. Key improvements include:

  • Monthly Support: Freelancers who become disabled will receive a monthly support payment of THB ฿3,000 (USD $90) for life.
  • Child Support: For freelancers with children aged seven or younger, there will be a support payment of THB ฿300 (USD $9) per month for each child, up to a maximum of two children.

Increased Insurance Benefits

The proposed improvements include increased insurance payouts for various scenarios such as accidents, sickness, disability, or death. This enhancement aims to provide comprehensive coverage for workers, ensuring they and their families are better protected in times of crisis.

Strengthening the Financial Position of Thailand’s Social Security Fund

The Thai government is implementing a strategic plan to bolster the financial stability of its SSF. This initiative is crucial, especially as experts have raised concerns about the potential bankruptcy of the fund within the next 30 years.

To ensure sustainability and enhance benefits for members, the government is focusing on two key areas: increasing member registrations, particularly among migrant workers, and registering more local workers, including servants, farmers, and gardeners.

1. Increasing Member Registrations Targeting Migrant Workers

Thailand hosts a significant number of migrant workers, estimated at around five million, including both legal and illegal workers.

However, only about 1.4 million of these individuals are currently registered in the SSF system. This gap presents a substantial opportunity for the government to increase its member base.

2. Registering More Workers, Including Farmers and Domestic Workers

In addition to targeting migrant workers, the government is also focused on registering a broader range of workers, particularly those in informal employment sectors such as farming and domestic work. Many of these workers currently lack access to social security benefits.

Pacific Prime Thailand is Your Ideal Partner

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Content Creator at Pacific Prime Thailand
Martin is a writer and translator with over 10 years of experience. He writes articles and blog posts, creates infographics and videos, translates between Chinese and English, and more. Skilled at explaining complicated concepts in layman’s terms, Martin believes the gold standard of translation is attained when the translated text is not only accurate, but also reads like an original text. Martin holds a degree in Economics from the University of London, UK.

Since joining Pacific Prime, Martin has become even more aware of the gap between the true value of insurance products and most people’s appreciation of it, and developed a passion for demystifying and simplifying matters, so that more people get the protection they need at a cost they can easily afford.

In his free time, Martin attends concerts of various genres, and plays the violin with piano accompaniment he pre-recorded himself or played live by his niece.
Martin Lee