Category Archive For "Expat Insurance"
5 best places for retirement in Thailand
If you’re due to get your pension (or even have a lump sum saved up for retirement), why not move to Thailand where you can live it up in style? With its exotic locations, tropical weather, and amazing delicacies, this Southeast Asian country has got plenty to offer retirees The best part? Your money will …
Which school option should you consider for your expat kid in Thailand?
Expat kids in Thailand must adapt to an entirely new culture while they’re still in their formative years. While this can no doubt be an enriching and eye-opening experience, it can also be a tremendously confusing and stressful one for them. That being said, international schools in the Kingdom make the transition a lot easier, …
5 ways to stay active when you’re working from home
Do you sit for hours on end, working on the computer? If so, then chances are you know the ‘office syndrome’ feeling all too well. The pain and soreness in the spine or muscle can be frustrating to deal with, not to mention potentially harmful to your health and wellbeing in the long run. For …
Important questions to ask about teacher’s health insurance in Thailand
For years, one of the best ways for foreigners to find work in Thailand was to teach. From the various education centers throughout the country to the prestigious international schools, it is not uncommon to meet more than a few foreign teachers when living in the country. In fact, in 2020 the Education Ministry estimated …
Thailand Plus: New COVID-19 tracking app for tourists
Thailand has been largely successful these past few months in eliminating the coronavirus (COVID-19), until recently when 6 individuals illegally entered the country from Myanmar to avoid the 14-day quarantine. So far, authorities have successfully tracked the individuals and have been testing locals vigorously that were in the same vicinity as the infected individuals. This …
Where to get a health or cancer screening in Thailand
Looking for cancer screening packages? Want to receive compassionate care, at great value and affordable prices? Thailand has it all! In this article by Pacific Prime Thailand, we look specifically at a few cancer screenings offered by top medical hospitals. Many of the country’s top medical facilities are based across several cities and provinces including …
An expat’s guide to vaccinations in Thailand
Are you moving to Bangkok’s central business district? Perhaps vaccinations aren’t at the forefront of your mind. Or are you planning to live in rural areas? In which case, you’ll probably be looking into vaccinations. Nevertheless, while the vaccines you’ll need depends on where you’re located, as well as the activities you’ll be doing, vaccinations …
5 top tips on how to find the best health insurance in Thailand
Whether you’re a newly arrived expat or have lived in Thailand for a number of years, chances are you’re eventually going to need to see the doctor. While the cost of care in Thailand is generally affordable to most foreigners, medical expenses can still be quite high. This is especially true for major procedures like …
How to select health insurance in Thailand
Anyone hunting for health coverage will want to find a plan that suits them best. With so many policies to choose from, however, selecting the best plan on your own is no easy feat. This, coupled with the fact that there’s no such thing as a one-version-fits-all plan, all goes to show the pivotal role …
5 health benefits of barre classes
A combination of ballet, mat pilates, and yoga, barre is a fitness style that has gained popularity over recent years. While the low-impact exercise may look fairly easy, it is much more demanding than it seems. By incorporating pulsing and other isometric contractions, barre makes your muscles burn and your body shake. It doesn’t matter …