Which school option should you consider for your expat kid in Thailand?

Expat kids in Thailand must adapt to an entirely new culture while they’re still in their formative years. While this can no doubt be an enriching and eye-opening experience, it can also be a tremendously confusing and stressful one for them. That being said, international schools in the Kingdom make the transition a lot easier, …

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Thailand Plus: New COVID-19 tracking app for tourists

Thailand has been largely successful these past few months in eliminating the coronavirus (COVID-19), until recently when 6 individuals illegally entered the country from Myanmar to avoid the 14-day quarantine. So far, authorities have successfully tracked the individuals and have been testing locals vigorously that were in the same vicinity as the infected individuals. This …

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An expat’s guide to vaccinations in Thailand

Are you moving to Bangkok’s central business district? Perhaps vaccinations aren’t at the forefront of your mind. Or are you planning to live in rural areas? In which case, you’ll probably be looking into vaccinations. Nevertheless, while the vaccines you’ll need depends on where you’re located, as well as the activities you’ll be doing, vaccinations …

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