Category Archive For "Health"
Thailand’s aging population and declining birth rate
Thanks to the advent of technology and healthier diet patterns, the average life expectancy around the world continues to rise, and it is not uncommon these days to see people reaching their 100th birthday, especially in wealthier countries. Ironically, longer lifespans do not necessarily mean a better quality of life – particularly in countries where …
7 healthy tips for your next business trip
Going on a business trip can be both stressful and exciting at the same time. The potential of falling in love with a new country is high, but at the same time, it’s also likely to become fatigued by the workload. On top of that, adjusting to a new country can also be stressful as …
Is it essential for your health insurance to cover skin disorders?
As we continue down the summer of 2019, the heat in Thailand is showing no signs of slowing down. According to The Nation, the next few months could see temperatures rise by 1-2 degrees Celsius, allowing some areas to rise past the 42 degree mark. This is alarming for tourist that visit as the heat …
Are you prepared for a medical emergency while traveling?
As an expat living in the Land of Smiles, chances are you’ve got insatiable wanderlust. Thailand’s alluringly close proximity to exotic and culturally fascinating locales like Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam means that paradise is merely a short journey away. Top on the packing lists of most global nomads include clothing, toiletries, travel documentation, and international …
How to protect your babymoon with the right pregnancy insurance
For those that are unsure of what the term actually means, a ‘babymoon’ is potentially the very last holiday expectant moms and dads will enjoy alone before their new addition makes his or her grand debut. It’s a fantastic way to hit the pause button on the chaos that pregnancy planning can sometimes bring, but …
2018 Thailand’s health risks: a traveler’s overview
Thailand has recently reported a new measles outbreak in its southern districts mainly among Thailand Muslim children, as well as a dengue virus outbreak. Thailand’s Ministry of Health has confirmed 2,149 measles cases and 70,146 Dengue virus cases from 77 provinces and 126 dengue-related fatalities in 2018. Because of this, the state of 2018 Thailand’s …
Air pollution in Southeast Asia and its health impacts
November marks the Lung Cancer Awareness Month, which aims to raise awareness about the disease across the world. Among the numerous causes of lung cancer such as passive smoking and genetic predisposition, indoor and outdoor air pollution is particularly worthy of concern. This is because air pollution, according to research, is attributable to many other …
What are your treatment options for breast cancer?
For more than 30 years, October has been designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month around the globe, with the aim of raising awareness about the impact of breast cancer in women. Women will don the iconic pink ribbon during this annual worldwide campaign, showing solidarity, and raising funds and awareness for breast cancer research and …
Breastfeeding benefits for moms and babies
Breastfeeding is the only natural way of feeding an infant, which covers the newborn’s nutritional needs and creates unique conditions for physical and mental development in the first months of its life. WHO recommends breastfeeding as the ideal way to feed a newborn, and exclusive breastfeeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth …
How to select a suitable health plan for now and in the future?
Regardless of whether you’re a local citizen or expat working in the Land of Smile, it might seem that the local social security system here offers sufficient protection already. After all, it’s universal, comprehensive, and affordable. Some might say a separate health insurance plan just seems like a matter of indifference. But, is this really …